Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Freezin For A Reason - Raising Funds For A Greyt Cause!!

Hello. My name is Michel Keck... if you follow my blogs probably better known as Moose & Stoney's mom. If you follow my blogs then you also know that our little angel Stoney (aka Mr. Bones) was rescued from the hideous greyhound racetracks by an amazing greyhound rescue organization - AmericanGreyhound.org

On Jan. 1st (new years day) 2009 I will be jumping in Lake Michigan with some of the volunteers of AmericanGreyhound.org. The event is called 'FREEZIN FOR A REASON'. If you know Chicago in the winter... you will fully understand the title of the event. :-)

I am looking for individuals and companies who will pledge money to see me jump into Lake Michigan for this event. All of the money is donated to AmericanGreyhound.org. If you are able to pledge money to me for FREEZIN FOR A REASON please use the information below to send in your pledges. This is a really GREYT cause!! AmericanGreyhound.org has now saved the lives of over 1,000 greyhounds who would have otherwise suffered a horrible fate. This GREYT organization saves these most amazing boys and girls from the racetracks and fosters them until they help these wonderful dogs find loving, caring, forever homes.

Please note that if you are able to pledge any money for FREEZIN FOR A REASON your donation pledge is tax deductible.

If you are able to pledge any little amount no matter how small really does MAKE a DIFFERENCE!! Please use the information below to address and send your pledges...

1) Make checks payable to - "American Greyhound"

2) In the memo area of your check please write in "Keck Plunge Pledge"

3) Send checks to

Michel Keck
3956 North 700 West
Rensselaer, IN 47978

We need to have all pledges in before we jump into Lake Michigan on Jan 1st 2009. If you have any questions about pledging please phone my gallery toll free at 1-888-969-KECK (5325).

Please include a note with your check with the mailing address you would like your receipt sent to. you can use this receipt for tax purposes.


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